
Showing posts from April, 2023

what is the relationship between iron supplements and piles | vitthal piles center | pune

What is the relationship between iron supplements and piles Introduction Piles is a common bladder problem which can be painful and embarrassing. It occurs when the urethra (the tube that carries urine from your bladder) becomes blocked by different types of tissue such as scar tissue, mucus or even blood clot. Piles can also cause other problems such as infection or infection due to bacteria entering your bloodstream from somewhere else in your body. Vitthal piles center is one of the most experienced and reputed piles treatment centers in Pune and is known for its quality results. Vitthal piles center is one of the most experienced and reputed piles treatment centers in Pune and is known for its quality results. The doctors at Vitthal Piles Center are highly qualified, well-experienced, and have dealt with various types of piles over the years. They also have a team of experts who can help you with your diagnosis, treatment options, and general care after surge...

what are the possible complications of piles | vitthal piles center | pune

What are the possible complications of piles Introduction piles are the most common of all vascular problems. They can cause pain, bleeding and infection. When a fissure occurs, it can be due to an infection or trauma. Fistulas can be related to childbirth or develop after surgeries. Vitthal Piles Center treats all types of piles including fistulous and fistulous-perianal When a fissure occurs, it can be due to an infection or trauma. When a fissure occurs, it can be due to an infection or trauma. Fissures occur when the lining of your rectum or colon separates from its underlying muscle. The term "fissure" comes from Latin and means "a crack." Fissures are caused by various conditions such as Crohn's disease, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), cancer treatment that causes prolonged inflammation in the digestive tract (chemotherapy) and other conditions such as infection with parasites like roundworm eggs that live inside their bodies for years until they emerge ...

महिलाओं में पाइल्स क्या होते हैं | विठ्ठल पाइल्स सेंटर | पुणे

महिलाओं में पाइल्स क्या होते हैं image source by परिचय पाइल्स को बवासीर के रूप में भी जाना जाता है, जो एक चिकित्सा स्थिति है जो गुदा नहर में रक्त वाहिकाओं में सूजन का कारण बनती है।  पाइल्स अत्यधिक दर्द और परेशानी पैदा कर सकता है, और उपचार इस बात पर निर्भर करता है कि स्थिति कितनी गंभीर है।  पाइल्स क्या होते हैं?  पाइल्स , जिसे पाइल्स भी कहा जाता है, गुदा में सूजी हुई नसें होती हैं।  वे आंतरिक या बाहरी हो सकते हैं।  बाहरी बवासीर आंतरिक बवासीर की तुलना में अधिक सामान्य और कम गंभीर होते हैं, लेकिन दोनों प्रकार के बवासीर दर्द और परेशानी का कारण बन सकते हैं यदि उनका ठीक से इलाज न किया जाए।  महिलाओं में बवासीर के क्या कारण होते हैं?  पाइल्स निचले मलाशय में बढ़े हुए दबाव के कारण होता है।  यह शौचालय, कब्ज या गर्भावस्था में तनाव के कारण हो सकता है।  बवासीर मोटापे या अधिक वजन का परिणाम भी हो सकता है क्योंकि यह आपके शरीर पर अधिक दबाव डालता है और पेट की चर्बी में वृद्धि का कारण बनता है जिससे बवासीर होने की संभावना अधिक होती है।...

Why You Should Choose Laser Treatment Over Conventional Surgery | vitthal piles center | pune

Why You Should Choose Laser Treatment Over Conventional Surgery Many industries have undergone radical change as a result of recent technological developments, and the medical sector is no different. Laser therapy is one such technical advancement that has gained popularity recently. Numerous advantages of laser therapy exist, from improved accuracy and diminished scarring to accelerated healing and decreased infection risk. Given these benefits, it should come as no surprise that an increasing number of healthcare professionals are using laser technology for a variety of medical treatments. In this blog, we will discuss the benefits of choosing laser treatment. Benefits of laser treatment The need for laser treatment is widely being chosen as it is convenient and a fast process. Mentioned below are the reasons to choose a laser treatment over surgical one. Reduce pain: With its cutting-edge approach to treating pain and inflammation, laser therapy provides patients with quick relief w...

stopgap treatments for pile relief | vitthal piles center | pune

 Stopgap Treatments for Pile Relief The anal canal's blood vessels and surrounding tissue enlarge, resulting in piles, also known as haemorrhoids. They typically happen as a result of straining brought on by long-term constipation. Other potential factors include pregnancy, chronic diarrhea, genetics, etc. Only minor bleeding and itching are present in grade 1 hemorrhoids, but as the grade rises, so does the severity. A lump of tissue that protrudes out of the anal hole permanently is a sign of grade 4 haemorrhoids. Dr. Atul Patil , a proctologist, claims that piles frequently go away on their own in the early stages and do not require active treatment. He claims that they frequently bleed gently rather than being painful. Many times, people simply feel reluctant or too afraid to see a proctologist, so they put up with them in the hopes that they will go away on their own. It is natural to search for quick, non-medical solutions to eliminate them during such moments. The steps one ...

What are home remedies for Piles | vitthal piles center | pune

What are home remedies for Piles? Piles also known as haemorrhoids , are swollen veins in the anal canal region . When in their normal state, they act as cushions to control the passage of stools . While the exact cause of piles is unknown, studies have shown that factors that increase pressure in the anal area during excretion are hugely responsible for piles .  For a diagnosis of the condition, a patient experiencing symptoms like a burning pain in the anal region while sitting or passing stools must see a doctor . Implement the medical advice given to you. You'll be expected to maintain a healthy lifestyle and diet in addition to the prescribed medications or surgery. The first steps include increasing the amount of fiber you consume , taking regular breaks , and drinking enough water to keep your body hydrated . Application of medicinal creams to the area is possible, but depending on how bad your condition is, their efficacy may suffer.  Home remedies for Piles/ Hemo...

How Piles are treated | vitthal piles center | pune

How Piles are treated? image source by In most of the cases, piles may resolve on their own. Timely treatments can help in reducing the discomfort significantly. Dietary and lifestyle changes can help in reducing pain and irritation. Straining on the toilet needs to be avoided to reduce the piles pain. Methods for treating the piles are described below. Treating piles with medicaments: Over-the-counter topical medications, such as ointments, creams as well as suppositories are recommended for piles pain relief . These are no-prescription drugs. Self medication is not recommended in severe cases of piles where further treatments are required. Corticosteroid creams which contain steroid can be used for treating inflammation around the anus area. Since these creams contain steroids, prolong use is not recommended as it can enhance the irritation. Painkillers such as acetaminophen are used for pain-relief. In case of excessive bleeding in piles, use of Non-steroidal ...

Is there a loss of bowel control after Piles or Hemorrhoid surgery | Vitthal Piles Center | Pune

Is there a loss of bowel control after Piles or Hemorrhoid surgery? Introduction After hemorrhoid surgery , it's very important to maintain a healthy diet so that you do not experience this side effect of hemorrhoid surgery. Yes, there is a loss of bowel control after Piles or Hemorrhoid surgery. Yes, there is a loss of bowel control after Piles or Hemorrhoid surgery . The operation may cause this as it goes through the rectum wall and damages it. Sometimes even after a small procedure, you may find that you have difficulty controlling your bowels. This can lead to swelling, pain and bleeding around the anus. It is called rectal sphincter dysfunction. The operation may cause this as it goes through the rectum wall. You may be wondering if there is a loss of bowel control after Piles or Hemorrhoid surgery. The answer is yes, it is called rectal sphincter dysfunction. The operation may cause this as it goes through the rectum wall and stretches it out. The condition can also be cause...

Pune to Mumbai Cab Service | Affordable and Comfortable Cab Rentals | Mumbai Pune Taxies

Pune to Mumbai Cab Service | Affordable and Comfortable Cab Rentals Introduction Pune to Mumbai cab service is the best option for traveling comfortably and at an affordable rate. Our drivers are experienced, knowledgeable and helpful. You will be received by a friendly driver at the airport or station upon arrival. We have 24/7 customer support for your convenience as well as secure online payment options. Our rates are competitive, reasonable and transparent so you'll never have any surprises when paying us! With our Pune-Mumbai taxi service you can count on safe travel at reasonable rates every time you take our cabs! Pune to Mumbai cab service is not only affordable and comfortable but also reliable. We have been in business for many years, and have a good reputation among our customers. We have a fleet of cars to choose from, so you can be sure that we will find one that suits your needs perfectly. Our 24/7 customer support team is always on standby to help you with any quest...

Diet for Piles and Hemorrhoids | Dr Atul Patil best piles doctor Vitthal Piles Center | Pune

Diet for Piles and Hemorrhoids image source by vitthal piles center, pune What is Hemorrhoids ? Piles are abnormal veins at anal canal which has been dilated and swollen due to extreme pressure exerted during passing stool . When Patient pushes down to pass the stool, blood runs with more pressure. Due to this continues extra pressure inside blood vessels it swells out. This swollen mass comes into lumen to make passage narrow. So while passing each stool, it rubs over the swelling. It may cause bleeding and pain. Causes of Hemorrhoids Genetic Pressure during bowel movements Diarrhoea or constipation Extra weight, obesity Pregnancy Low fibre diet, high consumption of processed spicy foods Also, people who sit or stand for long hours are at greater risk too Diet for Hemorrhoids A simple lifestyle change can give relief from mild Hemorrhoids symptoms. Dietary changes by adding more fibre in the diet through whole grain like barley, quinoa, brown rice, rye, oats ...